President Donald Trump says his administration will be rolling out a new set of immigration order on travels and refugees next week to replace the controversial one blocked by the courts.

Trump, who made the announcement during a televised press conference on Thursday, pledged to keep Americans safe in line with his campaign promise.
"Our administration is working day and night to keep Americans safe including you reporters," he said.

"A new set of executive actions next week will comprehensively protect our country. We're going to put in place a new set of travel ban.

"The (blocked) roll out was perfect because if we had announced that (ban), a lot of bad people would not have come into our country.

"The new executive order will be based on the decision of the courts.
"But now there is serious vetting," he said, adding that he was willing to deal with dreamers" who were brought into the US illegally as children, "with heart" as a father who has kids and grand children.

Trump said he had ordered a crackdown on sanctuary cities that violated the federal laws by providing safe haven for illegal immigrants.

"I'm following through on what I pledged," he said, pointing out that the travel ban was only holding true to his campaign promises rather than deceive his supporters by reneging.
Trump also claimed that his administration inherited a mess in the US and overseas when he took over.
"I inherited a mess in United States and overseas," Trump said.

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