FIFA has been urged to ban
Christian players from
making the sign of the cross
after scoring a goal. A Muslim
cleric from Saudi Arabia,
Mohammed Alarefe called on football's governing body to
write it into the game's laws
that players be prohibited
from tapping their stomach,
chest, left shoulder then right
shoulder to make a cross.

Alarefe, who is professor of
religion at King Saud
University in Riyadh, posted
the controversial call on
Twitter to his 17.4million
followers, but he was quickly flooded with message
disagreeing with him.

A number of people pointed
out to the Muslim scholar that a huge amount of players
kneel on the ground and kiss
the floor in celebration of a
goal, mimicking the Islamic prayer. Alarefe wrote: 'I've seen
video clips of athletes, soccer
players running, shooting and
when they win they make
the symbol of the cross on
their chests and my question is if FIFA's rules forbid this.' While
people form all
religious backgrounds,
including Christianity and
Islam responded to his views,
many condemned the cleric,
saying it incited division.

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