Sara was in shock. She sat on the chair for some seconds, stood up
again and sat on the
chair again…this time she held on to her blouse and burst into tears.


"Lawson, wake up please" Sara tapped him
Lawson gently opened his
eyes and looked at the alarm clock by his bedside,

"It's 2 0am Sara…"

"It's urgent"

"I'm listening" He said

"Mother says we should come for tests. She says she's spoken to her
doctor and he said we
should come."

"What?" Lawson opened his eyes now,

"Your mother is in
the UK for Christ's sakes"

"Let's just do it. We can go for the weekend, lets just give it a shot, please."

"No. That would be rather
expensive and…"

"It's my birthday today and the only thing I want from you is this trip"
Lawson fell quiet now.

For the past two years now, his wife's
birthday skips his mind…

"I'm…I'm sorry Sara…It skipped my mind…"

"It always does" She lay down back on the bed, backing him.

Lawson wrapped his arms around her waist, "I said I'm sorry…"
No response.

Lawson sighed, "Fine, we go this weekend"

"Really?" She turned sharply, excited

"If it will make you happy today"

"Thank you baby" She hugged him.


Sara jerked at the vibration of the phone in her pocket.

"Hi mom!" she pressed the phone to her ear with her Shoulders, wiping
the washed dishes with her hands.


"What is it mom?" she pressed it harder

"The result…the result of the tests…" her mother cried Sarah gently
dropped the plate
and the wiper, heart

"Just say it mom…"


"I can never have children
Lawson…" Sara cried
Lawson felt his world crash right in front of him, "W…what?" "Mama
called today…she's
gotten the tests results"

"Jesus Christ" Lawson stood, placing his palm on his head,
"b…but you told me you were ok before we got married, you told me the
doctor said your
abortion didn't damage your womb"

"Don't bring my past into this!" Sara flared

Lawson laughed and got serious almost immediately,

"You are crazy. I married a crazy woman!"

Sara looked at him in shock, like he'd lost his mind.

"The results say you can never have children and we both know that
this has to do with
the abortion you had before we met!", he flared,

"are you happy?…you know we're screwed right? No kids? what re we
going to tell the world?"

"Lawson we can adopt…" Sara cried

"Adopt? Wow!", he laughed again, "I married a funny woman too!" He got
serious again,

"Its still not our baby!
The damn baby is not my flesh and blood! You are full of deceit Sara"
He looked into her

Sara could see him
fighting his tears.

"Lawson stop…you are hurting me…"

Sara fell on her knees

"You want to know what I'm thinking?" Lawson looked at her with disgust,

"I'm thinking how on earth I'm going to
stand seeing your deceitful face for the rest of my life"

"Sara cried harder, "Dont give up Lawson…So far I have a womb…I can
still carry our baby…"

"I am not giving up on having my baby, I'm giving up on you" Lawson
turned around to

"Lawson!" She held his feet, "I'm hurting too…"

He only dragged his feet from her hold and drove out of the
house. She wept bitterly.


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