Father-in-law;Young man u are coming to seek my daughter's hand in marriage and u re chewing gum. that's a sign of disprespect.

suitor;sir, i only chew gum when i drink or smoke.

father-in-law;U mean u drink and smoke and u re here to seek my daughter's hand in marriage?

suitor:I'm sorry, i started clubbing when i came out of prison.

Father-in-law:U'v also been in prison b/4? Oh my God!

Suitor:Sorry sir, i want to jail when i killed somebody!

Father-in-law:What!!! U re a killer?

Suitor:Sir, it happened out of anger. it was a certain man who didn't allow me to marry his daugher so i killed him.

Father-in-law:U re highly welcome my son . U re on d right track.U re absolustly the right man 4 my daugher.

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