I stared at Richard as he
entered. He was obviously
very angry but I didn’t give
a d--n. He did not notice
my tears and I wiped it off
“where are you coming
from sir?” I asked
He rubbed his palm on his
head. “see, I can’t explain
anything now?” he
I was taken aback.
can’t what? You better start
explaining. How dare you
leave the house in the
middle of an important
celebration in our lives,
come back this late and give
me that crap? Do you know
how worried I was? I called
how many times? Let me
check… 42 times, only to
find your phone inside and
now you tell me that you
can’t explain anything
now?” I lamented.
“Alright, sorry. Are you ok
now?” he dropped coldly
and stormed into the
bedroom. That only made
me angrier. My anger
increased several degrees
but I kept it inside. My
tummy was screaming for
food but my mouth was not
ready to accept anything.
This is a thing that occurs
whenever I am angry.
I entered the room and
started changing my
clothes. Richard was in the
shower and I did not care
because I was in no mood
to have any bath at all,
besides, I took my bath
before the party began and
I did not dance or do
anything that would
warrant another bath. The
anniversary was just a total
I wore a nightie and got
into my side of the big bed.
I pulled the blanket up to
my chin and switched off
the bedside lamp. I closed
my eyes as tears flowed
down my cheeks. I pinged
Prisca, telling her not to
worry that Richard was
already back, switched off
my phone and placed it
beside the lamp.
I heard the shower go off
and Richard step out. I
pretended to be asleep but
I knew that Richard was
not easily fooled. The light
came and I felt him seat in
front of me.
“sweet heart. Lina” he
called but I did not respond.
He gently kissed my checks
and went to the other side
of the bed to sleep. More
tears slipped out of my
closed eyes unhindered as I
remembered all the events
of the day.

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