Our anniversary celebration
had fallen into ruins and I
am sure I would not forget
it in a hurry. I picked up my
phone and dialed Richard’s
number again after several
fruitless attempts but the
phone rang off without any
answer. I strolled from one
end of the compound to the
other in worry, dialing his
number continuously.

Though, I tried to stop
Richard from leaving, he left
anyways and I felt terribly
angry that my father-in-law
could be so thoughtless as
to invade one of our
happiest moments by
bringing his ex-wife. I knew
just how Richard must be
feeling having experienced
first-class rejection myself
from the hands of my step-
father (Mr. Badmus).

I had dismissed everyone to
their various destinations –
there is nothing to
celebrate about with my
husband in a bad shape. It
is over three hours and
Richard is nowhere to be
found. I shivered from the
cold outside and went back
inside to get a jacket. It was
almost nine and my
husband was not home yet.

I continued my phone call
as I went into the room
only to find Richard’s phone
on the bed. I hissed aloud
and flung my phone onto
the bed, my apprehension
increasing a notch. “Where
are you Richy?” I groaned.
Prisca placed Patricia in her
court and placed a good
night kiss on her forehead.

Even though the room was
mosquito free, she still used
a mosquito net for pat. She
climbed into bed beside
Tony and smuggled closer
to him to feel the warmth of
his body. He held her close
and looked into her eyes,
“even after a child, you are
looking more beautiful

She smiled, “what is with
your flirtatious eyes and
tone now my husband?”
“Well, if I don’t flirt with you,
who else would I flirt
with?” he asked
“you would not dare flirt
with anyone. Remember
when Richard held Belina
today? I was actually
jealous. I wanted you to do
the same that very minute”,
Prisca replied with a smile.
“hmmm, you should have
told me. You know I would
have done more than you
bargained for” Tony said
with a wink.
Prisca smiled but the smile
soon faded off. “you know,
I would not have taken it
likely at all if our anniversary
had been ruined like that.
Whatever entered Richard’s
pop to make him bring that
woman there, ehn?” Prisca
said with annoyance.

Tony had carefully ensured
that they did not discuss
the party by bringing up
other subjects however
unimportant because he
knew that Prisca was
obviously very pissed. He
was also very angry and he
had felt bad when he saw
the sad look on Belina’s face
as she told them to leave.
“I don’t even know what
that woman is looking for.
She did not come looking
for him long time ago but
now that she has become
an empty barrel, she wants
to reclaim her son. Haaa,
human beings are so
heartless” Prisca continued.
“don’t draw that conclusion
honey, that she is back
without a child does not
mean that she can’t
conceive again”, Tony
Prisca laughed, “I know
what I am saying though I
don’t have any proof. Do
you think she would be
here if one of her rich
aristos had married her?
Trust me darling; the
woman is just here because
no one wants her fruitless
a-s anymore plus Richard is
a multi-millionaire, now she
wants to eat where she did
not sow”. She hissed.
Loretta sat down on a chair
in her tastefully furnished
mini-flat, crying. Though
she was presently in
Nigeria, her taste, class and
desire for luxury was still
very much imbedded in her.
Ever since she ran out of
her son’s apartment, she
hadn’t been able to stop the
tears from flowing. She
remembered the look of
hatred on Richard’s face
when he looked at her and
the tears dropped more.
She had done terrible
things to him in the past
which she considered
She had treaded a very
reckless life not putting into
consideration what it might
cost her. She had felt
unsatisfied with James
because he was unable to
give her all the luxury she
desired. Whenever he
traveled, she would invite
strange men into the house
for sexual activities, locking
her seven years old Richard
out. Whenever he cried and
protested, she would beat
him, drag him out of the
house and lock the door
until she was done. This
happened very frequently
because James Branson;
her husband; always
traveled, looking for
greener pasture to make
his family especially his wife
happy and contented.
Loretta finally became fed
up and decided to quit the
marriage, giving the full
custody of Richard to James
in order to perform her
escapades without the
hindrances of a son.
Richard’s father, who loved
Loretta with all his heart,
decided to leave the States
for Nigeria in order to be
far away from her.
Together, Richard and his
father had struggled
through thick and thin
eventually breaking the
holds of poverty. Loretta on
the other hand, had several
abortions which eventually
severed her womb. No man
could afford to marry her
without a womb, despite
her rare beauty. She had felt
completely alone and
miserable until she decided
to take the only lifeline she
had left. She had heard
enough about James and
Richard from the news and
she knew that it would be
even more difficult to gain
their forgiveness now that
they are rich.
She wiped tears of regrets
off her face as she heard a
knock. She was startled,
wondering who might be
there. She stood up and
went to open the door.
“James”, she breathed as
she stared at her ex-
husband at the door.

Mr James Branson entered
the house without saying a
word, pulled her out of the
entrance into his arms,
closed the door with his leg
and covered her lips with
his. He kissed her like his
life depended on it. He
hadn’t been able to find
love in anyother woman
ever since she walked out
of his life. She was the only
woman he ever loved. Since
she arrived about three
years ago, he had tried his
possible best to avoid the
feelings that never left him
but it kept on increasing
everytime he set his eyes on
her. Tonight, he hadn’t been
able to bare it when he saw
tears in her eyes.
Loretta tried to pull away
but he held her and she
gave in. the door flung
open and they sprung apart
like children caught stealing
meat. They both faced the
entrance at the same time
and Loretta gasped,


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